We have moved - we are now operating solely out of the sister shop Snickel Lane Florist - 23 Customs St East, Auckland CBD - website and phone numbers stay the same - 09 302 2013

Articles & Blog Posts

Plant Store - City Jungle

Plant Store - City Jungle

The only thing we love the same as flowers - is plants! It's a thing and we definitely caught the plant addiction. Orchids, ferns, fiddle leafs, ph...
Need plants for your office?

Need plants for your office?

The Citibank building is now the owner of 3 white planters filled with some lush tropical plants. Some of my personal favourites.. monstera, mini p...
Caring for Orchid Plants

Caring for Orchid Plants

Orchids enjoy bright but not direct light. Don't overwater! Watering is best done from above using either a watering can or hose, or you can soak t...