We have moved - we are now operating solely out of the sister shop Snickel Lane Florist - 23 Customs St East, Auckland CBD - website and phone numbers stay the same - 09 302 2013

NZ Grown Peonies - First Peonies of the season!

Every year we work with a couple of NZ Peony farms to bring you the freshest, most beautiful peonies. The season runs for about 6 weeks, so it's short - get in quick while they are here.

They are the most romantic flower and often grace the covers of magazines, high-end perfume and clothing ads. Giving a feeling of luxury, romance and abundance.

Peonies also have medicinal properties. Studies have shown that peony plants have immune system and mood-boosting properties, and can be used to effectively treat inflammation, blood clots, and general pain. The roots and seeds of peonies have also been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat headaches, convulsions, asthma, liver disease and several more ailments.

Currently at the moment we are selling..

Coral Sunset

  • Large semi-double, bowl shaped flower
  • Long, hardy stems
  • Long vase life
  • Colour starts as a coral orange and fades through pink to yellow to white
  • Light-mid green foliage
  • Typically unscented, although sometimes a light fragrance is detectable upon blooming

Coral Charm

  • Large, semi-double blossoms open from deep coral buds into bowl-shaped blooms, with elegantly in-curved petals of glowing coral-peach before gradually fading to pale ivory.
  • Long vase life
  • Strong stems

Coral Supreme

  • Fragrant flower and strong stems
  • The large, semi-double blossoms  gradually change to a lovely pink as they mature
  • Long vase life